Thursday, February 19, 2009

Save Money from Dermatoglyphic test.

Instead of paying high cost for attending classes to discover our innate talent in trial and error basic.We can just pay RM399 for Dermatoglyphics test to discover our innate talent.We are not just only save money,time and the accurancy is more than 90%,The early you test,the more money you will save.
For more detail,please call 012-4025040 Ng Boon Khang.

Monday, February 16, 2009

How to discover innate talent ?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why conduct Dermatoglyphics test ?

Why conduct Dermatoglyphics test ?

Unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them. Instead, guided by our parents, teachers, managers or influenced by media, peers and friends,we become numbed and blinded and practice our weaknesses and spend our lives in mediocrity , while our strengths lie dormant and neglected. And the vicious cycle is keep on going as we use the similar way to raise our next generation.

Advantages of Dermatoglyphics

Through the assessment, we can reveal the following: • Our intrinsic self-management style • Our dominant intelligence • Our thinking approach• Our preferred learning style and communication-learning style. Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and how we learn, transforming our lives through a holistic education approaches.

What is inside the test report ?
1- Quantitative chart of neocortex in dermatoglyphics assessment.
2- Left and Right Brain Comparison and distribution of multiple potential.
3-Left & Right hemisphere and its function location.
4-ATD Degree and learning sensitivity.
5-Innate characteristic
6-Innate interactive learning style.
7-Innate characteristic.
8-Preferred mode of learning.
9-Multiple intelligence.
10-References on fields and occupation.

Who suitable for the test ?
Dermatoglyphics test is suitable for everyone from 0-99 years old.
1. Children - improve learning skills, enhanced weak points.
2. Teenager - planning for future education, choosing courses, career planning
3. Adult - career planning, improve career to another milestone, relationship, and future planning
4. Senior Citizen - retirement life planning, re-education planning

For more details, Please visit

If you want to do the test, please feel free to call Ng Boon Khang 012-4025040 or Email

Thank Regards,
Ng Boon Khang

Saturday, February 14, 2009





1. 提早发现孩子的潜能,及时给予适当的培养,以得到事半功倍的效果。
2. 了解大脑功能的优势顺序,以顺强补弱。
3. 避免错过学习的黄金年龄,避免孩子走冤枉路。
4. 避免花费金钱、时间和精神盲目的逼迫孩子学习,以致双方都很累。
5. 让父母尊重孩子个体差异,改善亲子互动间之困扰。
6. 了解孩子的学习类型-听觉型,体觉型还是视觉型,协助突破学习障碍。
7. 明了孩子天赋所在,培养所属专才,并了解孩子学习上之性格增强学习成果。
8. 依孩子生理、性格、智能发展之不同,给予适当的学习环境。
9. 可以得知8项智能之潜在性向,包括:《语文智能》、《空间智能》,《内省智能》。
《人际智能》,《音乐智能》,《自然观察智能》、《逻辑─数学智能》、《肢体─动觉智能》 。

1. 大脑新皮质区主要功能量化表
2. 左右脑比较和多元潜能量分布状况
3. 大脑新皮质区功能与智能比重状况
4. ATD角度与学习敏感度
5. 先天人格特质
6. 先天互动学习风格
7. 精神主导模式
8. 优势学习感官类型
9. 八大多元智能逐一分析表

想做皮纹检测,请联络 黄文强012-4025040 or Email